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It’s all about Perspective

I learned something very valuable recently through my “Basics of Drawing Class” that I’m almost embarrassed to admit and that is 1,2,3-Point Perspective. There is a focal point for every object in a drawing/painting, etc. It could be one, two, three and up to five from what I’ve seen online. Basically the perspective in art is the angle at which an object(s) recedes into the distance. You begin by drawing a simple horizontal line on the page. Then you add vanishing points on that line: dots to which all your objects will align toward. You will use a ruler to guide all objects toward the vanishing point.

Below are some examples of 1, 2, 3-Point Perspective I did for class.

1-Point Perspective

These drawings are focused toward the center of the page.

1-perspective1 1-perspective2

2-Point Perspective

There are vanishing points on each side of the drawing.



3-Point Perspective

3-Point Perspective can be a bird’s eye-view or a worm’s eye-view. There are 3 vanishing points: one to each side and one above or below.

