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High-End/Low-End Product Design Conceptual Work

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Conceptual Work

Here are logos for Low-End Products (like Great Value, Sam’s Choice). I found it easy to come up with names for low-end products. They can be general because they would appear on all sorts of products from bottles of water to paper towels. I like the Good Life concept the most out of these.

Product Design

Here are logos for High-End products (like Godiva, Gevalia, etc.). I found coming up with names for high-end products challenging. I hit a stride with “Mythic” because so many mythological icons could be incorporated. My favorite is 18, the helmet. As I was drawing it it resembled an M. I think #4 and #6 can actually be used for a low-end product and I’ll use that instead of the ones in the photo above.Product Design 1