Golf Buddy App (Layout Design Phase 2)

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Golf Buddy Demonstration 2

I think I’ve got all my pages and buttons and links. Here’s a demo of my app in action!

Final Design (Screenshots)

For the menu page I made the title a little smaller and moved it closer to the icon. On the same menu page I added a grass graphic at the bottom and tightened up the buttons. I wrestled with the idea of putting the buttons in a rounded yellow square with a dark green border but decided against it. As you’ll see in the rest of the pages yellow became a dominate background color for many of the pages. I also updated the top cell bar to the iOS10 version.

Screenshot 2019-10-19 18.37.51

I added the grass graphic to every top title box. Here is where I started using yellow in the background. Having various elements on the light green background made it look naked since the all the top title areas are against the same light green background.

Screenshot 2019-10-19 18.40.19

And more yellow boxes for background elements. The tab at the bottom bled into the yellow box so I added a little green bar to separate it so it didn’t look like an error.

Screenshot 2019-10-19 18.48.07

Only the title boxes changed for these “Buddy” pages.

Screenshot 2019-10-19 18.40.43

I incorporated the yellow box behind all “send message” pages. I updated the keyboard. The latest I could find was iOS10. I think phones are up to iOS13 now.

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Here’s where it gets really yellow. The “Messages” page was bothering me and the seed to use a different background started here. White looked too plain. I knew it had to be a color. Dark green looks good but strokes around the profile pics and speech bubbles got lost.

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