You are currently viewing Crucible Graphics Standards Manual (Work in Progress or WIP)

Crucible Graphics Standards Manual (Work in Progress or WIP)

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I was given two logos for Crucible, an industrial arts school in Durham: one with a red flame with a white logo type and a red flame with a black logo type. In order for these logos to be successful they will need to have the proper contrast. So the white logo type version will need to be always on a black background and the black cannot exist on a black background.

The following images are my first WIP. I wanted to have a clear path when I presented my work. I decided to split the pages up left and right. Colored sides would house images while the white side would have the copy or information. Not all pages will be split like this depending on the information I will need to convey.

Screenshot 2019-09-10 09.08.05Screenshot 2019-09-10 09.08.38Screenshot 2019-09-10 09.08.59

Here are my logo forms. The two on the left are what were given to me. The two on the right I deem okay for alternative use. A black and white logo is a must. A fourth all white logo might come in handy as well.

Screenshot 2019-09-10 09.09.24

These are all the logos that are not acceptable to use.

Screenshot 2019-09-10 09.09.45

The primary colors are a simple red and black. For the secondary colors I wanted to keep within the “flame” color scheme so they are orange and slightly different shades of red.

Screenshot 2019-09-10 09.10.03

Bodega Sans medium is what the logo type is except altered. My main headlines will feature this font. For everything else I am going to use the Montserrat family.

Screenshot 2019-09-10 09.10.21Screenshot 2019-09-10 09.10.45Screenshot 2019-09-10 09.11.10