Artist Re-imagines Cover for the Trump Exposé and it is Glorious.

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If you are a designer you are very familiar with Fast Company. I accrue so much love, appreciation, and inspiration from this site. Recently Katharine Schwab wrote an article regarding the new Trump Exposé, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,  called The “Fire And Fury” Cover Is Hilariously Bad. Here’s A Better One. 

One would think that one of the most anticipated books of 2018 would have a wonderful cover. Wrong! The cover of Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House looks as though it was handed over to, well, someone in government.

Why are political book covers so utterly awful? I’m sure the authors of these books would like to know as well. Enter graphic designer/artist Edel Rodriguez with perhaps the ultimate cover for Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. By portraying Trump’s signature hair as the fire, removing any humanity from his face by showcasing just his blaring mouth, and writing the title of the book where his eyes should be, Mr. Rodriguez has turned the Commander-In-Chief into the Raging-Fire-Monster-In-Chief.

Mr. Rodriguez’s mock book cover even caught the attention of Time magazine landing him this month’s cover. Great job, Edel!

At the time of this writing I did not have permission from the artist to share his work, but you can see the cover and read Katherine Schwab’s article about it here:

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Karen Spangler

    Looks good! Great subject, too. Got a real kick out of it. XD

  2. hartofnc

    Hi Dean! OK, the “Fire and Fury” jacket cover DOES look like it was created in Microsoft Paint and saved as a .png for the graphics and then pulled into Microsoft Word where the text was added!

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