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Wholly Water

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I just want to start with I love and hate Adobe Dimension. It almost killed my machine. With that said, I had a neat concept that I wanted to try with this project leaving other packaging design I have already done behind. I created a brand of water called “Wholly Water” and incorporated stained glass windows like you would see at fancy churches as part of the art/graphics. The name is embellished in a “Bible” type script on an unfurled scroll. There are three flavors on two cans and a plastic bottle each with their own color code and image to separate each other. They still stay unified with graphics placed in similar locations.

This program ran extremely slow on my pretty robust laptop. The fan ran the entire time. I had a hard time scaling and rotating and placing graphics due to the slow nature. Moving the images was choppy. I would go from one extreme to another. I do not know why my link shows various other views I deleted in my favorites. My actual file only has two views saved, not four. You can’t move images and stack them easily. I constantly had to undo because the app would place images in the wrong place and I couldn’t reorder the stacking order. Whenever I would scale it would scale out of proportion. I realized I had to be very methodical on the layer I was clicking on. This program is not smooth. I see the benefits of it, but right now it is extremely clunky and frustrating.

You can find the link to my work here: “Wholly Water” using Adobe Dimension
