Golf Buddy App (Initial Design Phase)

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The Golf Buddy app is designed around the social aspect of golfing. It serves to connect users with other app users while also serving as a valuable tool to locate golf courses and show the user’s golf shots in real time. One of the main features is the Shot Buddy which shows each hole with user-added comments to aid their “Buddies” around the course. Users create a profile and match up with other app users (called “Buddies”). The user can message other users and set up tee times or just chat about their rounds. There’s also a Course Finder feature that can work independently of the social aspect for times when you just need to find a golf course in your area. It will link to the golf course’s website while also showing pertinent contact and other information.

Logo Sketches

Golf Buddy Logo Sketches

Here are some sketches I did for the app icon logo. Because of the name “Golf Buddy” and purpose of the app, I wanted a cute mascot that would be memorable and stand out on a busy phone or tablet screen. The logo concept that really struck me was incorporating the “location” symbol into the logo. The middle of it was a circle. I thought it would be a great place for a golf ball. As soon as I got my mascot to my liking I put it in the location symbol. I thought what better way to drive the point home of the app’s purpose than to put the location of the symbol on a green right at the pin. So, I added the green and golf flag. By placing the location symbol on the green I wanted it to represent the concept of “You are Here…On the Green.” What golfer doesn’t want that, right? The purpose of the app is just that, to aid and assist golfers to be “located” on the green.

Final App Icon


App Design Sketches

Golf Buddy UI copy

The Golf Buddy app revolves around three main features: Find a Course, Find a Buddy, and Shot Buddy.

Find a Course is a simple course finder based on location (zip code). It includes links to the golf course’s website and links to the contact phone number. There is also a social aspect to the listings where a user can see what other “Buddies” are saying about the course, the food, the wait times and anything else that might be of interest to other golfers.

Find a Buddy is designed to locate other app users in the area and offer a way to introduce golfers to each other. It has a listing of “Buddies” which the user can add to a “Buddies” list with the other party’s permission. Once “Buddies” are paired they are free to message each other just like any other social platform. Here is where the user would create his/her profile.

Shot Buddy lets a user choose from a list of courses. All 18 holes will load. This feature allows users to comment on each hole giving valuable course information in real time to aid their “Buddies” to shoot better scores. Depending on the number of “Buddies” a user has and how many of them have played the course that day will determine the amount of “Buddies” on the screen. The app refreshes after 24 hours so that each experience will be current.